To view the school please ring the school office on 01708 447 866.
Havering Council (the Local Authority) is the admission authority for all community schools in the London Borough of Havering. This means that it is the council’s responsibility to set the admissions criteria and make the decisions as to which pupils are admitted to this school.
The admission arrangements can be viewed on the following page:
Applications for children to start Reception / Year 3 in September must be made via your home Local Authority by 15th January of the year they are due to start school / transfer to a junior school. Please go to
The Havering School Admissions Team manage the In-Year application process on behalf of Langtons Infant School alongside all other schools in Havering. You must therefore apply following the In-Year process set out via
All applications for children in Reception, Year 1 & 2 have to be made via the Local Authority. The school cannot accept children in these year groups directly.
For information on admissions to our Nursery, please select the "Nursery" section on the Home screen. The admissions for nursery children are deal with directly by the school.
Once you have been advised by the Local Authority that your child in Reception, Year 1 or 2 has been given a place at this school, please contact us on 01708 447 866 or
Please find our Welcome Pack below which gives you all the information you need regarding our school.
00 Welcome Pack - November 24.pdf
Before we can admit a child into Reception, Year 1 or 2, the forms below need to be completed and returned please. We will also need to see your child's original birth certificate and 3 different proofs of your address before admission.
02 Agreement and permissions booklet.pdf
03 Tell Me All About Yourself.pdf
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us.